Saturday 30 March 2013

Me, Myself and I

Hi everyone! So i just thought that since you do not know anything about me, i should share some things with all of you. Just so you know, i have no problem sharing my personal interests but i cant share every single thing on the internet. With that said, these are a few basic details about myself.

  • My full name is Jessica Ashley Tanner (you can call me Jess, Jessie, whatever you fancy)
  • Born and raised in the UK
  • Youngest out of four
  • 22 years of age in April
  • 5'6" tall
  • Everyday is busy to me
  • Coffee is not just an addiction but my one true love (dislike tea)
  • Chocolate and warm baths are my solution for calmer days
  • Working fast and efficiently is  MUST in a city like London
  • Cheerleading is my kind of workout (though i have stopped)
  • Scared of the dark and bugs/insects
  • Obsessed with everything materialistic
  • Oddly love the London tube, even during rush hour
  • Favourite actor: Robert Downey Jr. and Neil Patrick Harris
  • Favourite actress: Jennifer Lawrence 
  • Favourite Victoria Secret model: Miranda Kerr
  • Celebrity crush: Andrew Garfield, Harry Styles (at the moment)
  • Favourite band/singer: Katy Perry, One Direction, Conor Maynard
  • Favourite tv show: Pretty Little Liars and Smash
  • Favourite store: Topshop and Primark
  • Favourite makeup brand: NARS
Interests include

  • Beauty and fashion
  • Piano and music
  • Travelling
I have spent all of last year travelling and it was the BEST thing that i have ever done. i feel so grateful and thankful that i had the opportunity to do so and it is one experience i will never ever forget. Places that i have been to include:

  • France
  • Monaco
  • Italy
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Madrid and Barcelona, Spain
  • Athens, Greece
  • Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Vancouver, Canada
I have never been to the US and as grateful as i am to have gone to these places, i have a great desire to go to America and stock up on loads of American goodies because it is just so hard to find them in the UK. My cousin who lives in America visits about 2-3 times a year and brings loads of pop tarts for me and im absolutely obsessed with them.

Alright, that is all for now. I hope you have enjoyed reading about me and i am so glad to share these things about myself with all of you. .If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask in the comment below or you can email me (address below) and i will be more than happy to get back to you. If you would like me to do another one of these "About Me" type posts please let me know and i shall share more about myself and my interests. Thanks for reading and have a nice day everyone!

Email address:

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