Wednesday 28 May 2014

50 Shades Of Baby Blues

Hi everybody!
So as you can tell from the title above, this blog post is going to be another alliterationed-cloured-themed blog post. Although I have been crazy busy in the last month with tonnes of work responsibilities, I have been very calm and fairly cheerful throughout the stressful time. Oddly, it is because of the bright and colourful pieces of clothing's that I have been seeing around in windows of shops, on passersby and even on myself. Bringing out the pastels and cheeky hints of neons and incorporating them into my daily outfits have been really fun for me and especially good timing as the weather here has been absolutely beautiful.

I know that for some people out there, monochrome colours are the way to go and even for myself, I tend to feel very safe in black and whites or even greys. But, when everyone else it dressed in bright orange and eye-catching purple, its time to step it up. I find baby blues very easy to work into a monochrome themed closet. It gives a good pop of colour without the HEY LOOK AT ME side of you screaming out for attention. Also, this pastel shade is brilliant for spring and perfect for many different occasions.





Nails and Accessories

Handbags and Shoes

I hope this post has given you some help or inspiration on how to style baby blue pieces into your outfits. Summer is just right around the corner and if you would like to see some summer outfit ideas then do comment below and also comment below sharing your favourite way to incorporate baby blue pieces in your daily outfits. Do check out my social media sites, that I will list below and have a great day! Xx

Twitter: @jessieashleyyy

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