Wednesday 27 November 2013

Coundown2Christmas 2013

Hi everybody! I hope you are all doing well. It is now coming towards the end of November which also means that we are extremely close to the start of December. (well duh!) My point being, Christmas is coming !!!!!!!!!!!!

Same as a number of you, Christmas is my favourite time of the year and I love everything about it.
This year, I have decided that I will be doing a Christmas blog series - Countdown2Christmas

Basically, what I will do is, everyday starting the 1st of Dec to the 24th of Dec, Christmas Eve, I will be posting on this blog, things related to Christmas. I hope that Countdown2Christmas will help bring back nostalgic memories from your childhood and get everybody in the festive mood.

Christmas has always been full of love and joy for me every single year no matter where I am or who I am with or how the day is, I always seem to be able to make the best out of it and I am hoping that this year will be no different. With that said, let us make the Christmas of 2013 an amazingly memorable one and I can't wait to start to Countdown2Christmas with all of you <3

So pour yourselves a cup of cheer and get in the festivities. I am extremely excited for Countdown2Christmas and I can't wait to get started so I will see you guys back on this blog in 3 days and let us all get in the Christmas spirit together.

Not forgetting, happy thanksgiving to all <3 and happy black friday shopping tomorrow!

Do comment below if you have any ideas or request titles for this Coundown2Christmas series or reach me at any other of my social network sites.

Merry Christmas, xx

Twitter: @jessieashleyyy
Instagram: @jessieashhh

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