Tuesday 1 April 2014


Hi everybody !
So today will just be a short one. I actually did not plan on writing this post but decided to do it anyways as I had some free time and I also thought it would be nice to share some good news with all of you.

If you follow me on Instagram, you would know that just yesterday, I posted my 100th post on Instagram which is the collage above. As of my 100th picture, I am now at 219 followers and my first picture was 14 weeks ago. I would like to thank all of 219 you and to anyone who has taken time to like my pictures or go through my profile. So cheers to more posts to come in the near future.

So go check out my Instagram and give the pictures a like and don't forget to follow me as well. All my social media sites are listed below. Have a great day loves ! Xx

Twitter: @jessieashleyyy
Instagram: @fashion_jessie
Email: jessicashleyyy@gmail.com


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