So it is now the 24th of December which means it is the last day of Countdown2Christmas 2013 which also means that this will be the last blogpost for Countdown2Christmas. I honestly cannot believe that tomorrow is Christmas Day. December went by so fast for me and I'm really excited for Christmas but also really sad because 2013 is coming to an end.
So because it is the last day of C2C, I thought that it was only right for this blogpost to be about Christmas dinner. Christmas dinner is pretty much what everyone looks forward to during Christmas, well, besides the presents of course but I think it is the most important part of the day. And it is also the best part of the day unless you are the one doing the cooking then I can only imagine it can be quite stressful. I mean, its a lot of pressure to cook for a bunch of people on Christmas Day because the food is what Christmas is all about. ;)
"No, Christmas is not just about dinner,,,,,, Its about family and presents and............ JESUS." - quoting my brother there, haha.
Christmas dinner for my family is just a feast and always so satisfying, we have everything and its definitely the best dinner throughout the entire year.
Christmas Dinner
Gravy and Cranberry Sauce
Yorkshire Puddings
Roast Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Pigs In Blankets
Mince Pies
Christmas Puddings
After Eight Mints
I told you Christmas dinner was a feast...... Yes, if you are wondering, I actually do have all of the above for Christmas dinner. I don't actually know if everyone else's families have this much food at Christmas but its because my family is just massive and we have about 12 people making the actual Christmas dinner. And I am the one who just kind of stands around pretending to help and sampling all the food. After this blogpost, I cannot wait for Christmas dinner tomorrow and I hope you feel that way too.
Well, that concludes the end of Countdown2Christmas, I cannot believe it is done. I am not going to lie, it has been a challenge to blog everyday for Countdown2Christmas and I would like to point out that I did think of all these titles to blog about myself.
So there you go, it has been 24 days of C2C and 24 blogposts all relating to Christmas and Christmas festivities. I hope you have had just as much fun as I have during this Countdown2Christmas series and I have had the best time doing this.
This is not only the last blogpost for Countdown2Christmas 2013 but it will also be the last blogpost for the year. After this I will be returning home and then going on a short family holiday and I will be back in 2014 for a whole new year of blogging. I wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you have an amazing Christmas Day tomorrow and I hope you are able to make the best out of it no matter where you are, what you are doing and who you will be together with. Christmas only comes around once a year and I hope we all take time to be thankful and appreciate those around us and think about the people in need and be grateful that we are all blessed in one way or another.
I also would like to wish you all the best of luck for the coming year and hopefully 2014 will be a good year if not better than 2013. Don't forget to look back on this year and be proud of all your achievements and learn from your mistakes. Its a new year, a new beginning, don't hold on to the past but look forward to the new year. Who knows what will happen in 2014.
Please do check out all my social networking sites and if you do not know already, I do have a new Instagram account so please check that out as well, I will leave all the links below. Do comment below if you would like me to blog about anything in particular for the coming year. I would like to thank you if you have been reading up on this Countdown2Christmas series, it really does mean the world to me and I do really appreciate it even if you have read just one post. If you would like to read my past C2C posts, I will leave the link to that below as well.
This has been Countdown2Christmas 2013 everyone! And maybe I will continue Countdown2Christmas in 2014 as well, who knows, right? Once again, I really do hope you have enjoyed it.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone, xx
Twitter: @jessieashleyyy
Instagram: @fashion_jessie
Countdown2Christmas started here.