Monday 2 December 2013

C2C - DIY Christmas Presents

Hi everybody!
Well, after yesterday's post, I thought it was only right for me to post another Christmas gift themed blogpost.
Eventhough some of us gain much satisfaction when buying presents, I think it is much more sentimental to create your own personalised present that is closer to heart. This is also an amazing option if you happen to have a slightly smaller budget this year.

Tote Bag With Iron On Silhouettes

  • Copyright-free clip art
  • Iron-on transfer paper
  • Craft knife
  • Tote bag
  • Iron
  • Twill tape or ribbon

  1. Scan copyright-free clip art from books or download it online or from a CD. Buy iron-on transfer paper for your tote; choose paper for light cotton fabrics and for dark cotton fabrics, depending on your project.
  2. Print the images on transfer paper, following the manufacturer's instructions and cut them out. Cut around the images cleanly, using a craft knife, for precision)
  3. Arrange the images on the bag, face up, for a practice (keep in mind this is a mirror image of the final design). When you're ready to iron, place the images face down. Press on top of images, starting at the edges of each one and using even pressure so that the image doesn't slide; do not move the iron back and forth, or image will blur or pucker.
  4. When iron-ons have cooled, remove the backing paper. Replace the bag's handles with equal lengths of - twill tape or cover them with ribbon, if desired.

Christmas Tree Transfer Tree

  • T-shirt
  • Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium
  • Foam brush
  • Wax paper
  • Scissors
  • Image you chose

  1. Cut your image to size. Generously apply a thick layer of Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium to the front of the image. Apply as much Mod Podge as it takes to cover the image.
  2. Once completely cover with Mod Podge, place your image picture-side down onto the shirt. Make sure it is in the right spot and not crooked. 
  3. Gently but firmly secure it to the shirt by rubbing in small circles all over the paper. Make sure there are no wrinkles or bumps.
  4. Lay flat to dry. Wait at least 24 hours. 
  5. After 24 hours, gently rub the paper off using the damp sponge using a small circular motion. You will then see the paper start to flake off and your image will start to shoe.
  6. Once all the paper has been removed, let your shirt hang dry.

Festive Ribbon Holiday Vase

  • Plain glass vase
  • Sparkle Mod Podge
  • Sponge brush
  • 2 kinds of ribbon
  • Scissors

  1. Clean and dry your vase. Apply a generous layer of Sparkle Mod Podge all over its outside.
  2. Cut the end of one of the ribbons at an angle. Carefully wrap the ribbon around the vase and Mod Podge in a descending spiral. When you reach the end of the vase, cut your ribbon so its flush with the bottom edge.
  3. Cover the outside of the ribbon with Mod Podge.
  4. Cut your second ribbon at an angle and stick it to the vase halfway in between the first ribbon and the second, over the Mod Podge. Trim the second ribbon at an angle at the far end, again making it flush with the edge.
  5. Paint over the whole thing with one more layer of Sparkle Mod Podge. Let it dry before filling with flowers.

Pistachio Panforte


  • Rice paper for lining and wrapping
  • 200g  blanched almonds, toasted
  • 200g skinned hazelnuts, toasted
  • 100g pecans
  • 100g pistachio, shelled
  • 200g dried cranberries
  • 175g plain flour
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp grated nutmeg
  • 200g icing sugar
  • 200g clear honey

  1. Preheat the oven to gas 3. Line the base of 15cm square tin with rice paper
  2. In a large bowl, combine all the nuts and the cranberries. Add the flour and spices and mix well. Put the sugar and honey in a large saucepan over a low heat and dissolve slowly. Continue cooking until it turns a light caramel colour. Pour over the nut and flour mixture and mix very well.
  3. Spoon the mixture into the tin and press down well to make sure it is level. bake for 25-30 minutes. 
  4. Leave to cool slightly, then turn out on a wire rack and eave until cold. Cut into slices
  5. To assemble your gift: arrange the panforte slices in a box layered with sheets of rice paper. It will keep for up to two weeks.

No-sew Sachets

  • Fabric scraps
  • Fabric glue
  • Ribbon/yarn/string
  • Potpourri 

  1. For each satchel, place 2 matching 5-inch fabric squares back-to-back and glue the edges together on 3 sides.
  2. Spread the glue to close the edges to prevent fraying.
  3. Once the glue is dry, fill the sachet with about 1/2 cup of potpourri.
  4. Then glue together the open edges and again let the glue dry.
  5. Arrange the finished sachets in multicoloured stacks and tie them together with a festive ribbon or yarn.

Washer Necklace

  • Pliers
  • 10 washers with10mm holes
  • 12, 10mm jump rings
  • Chain
  • Nail polish

  1. Use the nail polish to give the washers the colour you want. Let them dry.
  2. Attach the washers to the jump rings.
  3. Attach the washers to the chain. If your nail polish has cracked somewhere you can now fix it with some extra nail polish.
  4. You could also wear this necklace metal side front.

Here are some other random bits of easy DIY Christmas gift ideas.....

I hope this post has managed to give you some ideas/inspiration of some sort if you are planning on making your own gifts this year. 
Right then, so whether you are planning to splurge or create your own presents, I hope you do have amazing gifts for your loved ones that comes from the heart. As they say, its the thought that counts.

So lets all get really really excited because there is only 22 days left till Christmasssss <3

Merry Christmas, xx

Twitter: @jessieashleyyy
Instagram: @jessieashhh

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