Sunday 8 December 2013

C2C - Christmas Books

Hi everybody!
Today we will be talking about Christmas books!
Now I must say so myself that I am not exactly the biggest fan of books. I used to love reading books a lot when I was younger during my secondary school days but I think now that I don't really have that much time for it, I read much less.
I have read many Christmas books in the past, most of them good, some of them not really but today, I have decided to share with you my top 3 Christmas books.

On Christmas Eve
This book is quite touching and heartfelt. I really do recommend this book as I find that it really is a good read. I won't say too much because I don't want to spoil it for you but basically the story is about a little girl, Tess, who is convinced that this Christmas, she will finally get to meet Santa Claus and have a magical Christmas experience. All she wants this Christmas is for her best friend's father who is ill to recover. This book will definitely put you in the festive mood and it really is a very good read.

The Christmas Mystery
Now I am aware that this is a children's book and I first read this when I was really young and I am talking like primary school days. However, I do really love the story, I think it is really sweet and magical and it must be a good book because even though I am all grown up now, I can still remember the story. Written by Jostein Gaarder, this story is about a little boy who discovers a magic Advent calendar in a dusty old bookstore. When he opens the first door on the 1st of December, a small piece of paper falls out and on it is the beginning of a story of a little girl named Elisabet. Each of the 24 windows in the calendar hides another chapter in Elisabet's story along with illustrations. He and his family get a new sense of Nativity story and the meaning of Christmas.

The Gift
This one is written by one of my favourite authors, Cecelia Ahern. This book is about Lou who always had to be at two places at the same time. When asleep he dreamed. In between dreams. he ran through the events of the day while making plans for the next. When at home with his wife and family, his mind was always someplace else. On his way to work one morning, Lou meets Gabe, a homeless man sitting outside the office building. Lou thinks he could be useful to have around and gets Gabe a job in the post room. Soon, Lou begins to regret helping Gabe as his very presence unsettles Lou. As Christmas draws closer, Lou starts to understand the value of time. He sees what is truly important in life and at the same time he learns the harshest lesson of all.

So those are my 3 favourite Christmas books, I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did and if you have not read them, please do check them out.
Comment below sharing your favourite Christmas books as well and I hope you are all excited because there is only 17 days till Christmas!

Do look out for tomorrow's Countdown2Christmas blogpost as it is going to be a really good one.

Merry Christmas, xx

Twitter: @jessieashleyyy
Instagram: @fashionjessieee

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