Friday 20 December 2013

C2C - Christmas Memories

Hi everybody!
I grew up absolutely loving Christmas and after 23 years, that has not changed the slightest bit. I always have the best times at Christmas and I thought it would be really nice to share that with all of you.

I am the youngest daughter in my family. I have 2 brothers and a sister. I would say we are a fairly big family and although I do feel so fortunate to be able to have this, it also means that all of us have our own individual lives and it is hard to get the entire family around. Christmas is one of the very few times out of the entire year where my whole family goes back to my parents' house and we have an amazing time. I think this is why Christmas means so much to me as the years go by.

In 2008, one of my brothers moved across the country which meant that the only way I could see them and talk to them was through a computer screen. My brother was like my best friend and he still is, as sad as that may sound, it is true and he is still by far the best listener that I know of to this day. So you can just imagine how sad I was when I did not get to see him as often. Later that year, I finally saw him, face to face, on Christmas day. From then on, I started loving Christmas more and more each year.

When I was about 6 or 7, I remember Christmas morning was so magical for me. It was really early in the morning and the sun was just about to rise. I went to the bathroom and from there I could see where the Christmas tree was, downstairs, by the window. I saw someone under the Christmas tree. It was really early and even though I could still walk, I was barely awake. I didn't think that it would be Father Christmas paying us a visit but when I went back to my bedroom, I was convinced that it was him. Later that morning, when we went down to open our Christmas presents, I told my family that I saw Father Christmas put these presents under the tree. I remember my siblings having the biggest laugh about it but I told myself it was true. Now that I have grown up, I managed to make myself believe that it was just my father but that was the most magical Christmas I can remember.

I would really love to know about your Christmas memories so please feel free to comment below sharing them or reach me at any other of my social media sites. Oh my goodness I cannot believe this, 5 more days everyone, 5 MORE DAYS!

Merry Christmas, xx

Twitter: @jessieashleyyy
Instagram: @fashionjessieee

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