Monday 23 December 2013

C2C - Shedding Christmas Calories

Hi everybody!
Now during this Christmas season, I am sure that almost all of us have been stuffing our faces and especially on Christmas day where there is just so much food and how can anybody resist Christmas puddings. Just blogging about them is making my mouth water and it is getting me really excited for Christmas dinner.

After Christmas I personally like to go on a "cleanse" I guess you would say because for me, it has just been a whole month of chocolate goodies and puddings and mince pies and Christmas snacks and it does kind of get to a point where it is a little too much. To be fully honest with you, I do enjoy treating myself to all of these goodies and I really do not mind having these everyday of December. However, I do make it a point to be slightly cautious of my diet and every once in a while I will go on a cleanse only because I think that it makes me feel better and its really nice to know that my body has removed all of the toxins and everything.

The best way to lose the Christmas calories is definitely cardio! Going for a run 20-30 minutes, four days a week is all it takes. This sounds so simple but I am not going to lie, it is not that straight forward. Somedays it can seem next to impossible to get yourself up and go for a run and other days, it is just that simple. The best way to do this is to set goals for yourself, never forget to make a plan to make sure you stay on track. It sounds really cliche but trust me, it works! Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you do enjoy working out and being active then the best plan is to maintain it which can be challenging on somedays but just always look at your goals and what you want to achieve. DO NOT EVER be discouraged in any way, shape or form. If working out is not within your comfort zone, my suggestion is that you start today. A month from now, you are going to look back and wish that you had started today. Make it a habit to go for a short run or a fast walk once a day and build it up with more challenging activities and other forms of workout. Also, bring a friend along to keep you company and get you going to make workouts more enjoyable.

Do not forget to reward yourself. After adhering to your exercise plan, treat yourself to maybe a nice dinner or a massage, a new pair of shoes or a spa day. It is not a bad thing to have a rest day but make sure you will go back to the workout routines after that.

The most important thing is to eat healthy. You don't have to go on an extreme diet straight after the holiday season. I never particularly believe that a diet is the answer to shedding those calories but that is only my opinion. Watch what you eat. Lots of fibre and lots of fruits and veggies is the way to go. Stay away from the fast food, the cookies and puddings. I understand that this can be hard but again, think about your goals and stay focused on them. Have plenty of lean protein like chicken and turkey breasts, these proteins will keep you full for longer. Drink water! This is an absolute MUST. Swap water for any sugary beverages and alcohol. Never forget to eat breakfast every single day, when they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, they are right because it is. Have something delicious and healthy that will keep you going like a banana, some porridge or some eggs. Preferably something with loads of fibre and protein. Also, fit in some healthy and light snacks throughout the day like some berries or fruit with yogurt.

The best way to ensure success is to make realistic goals and keep to them. You can do it if you put your mind to it. Its mind over matter so never go into a workout session thinking "I'm too tired, I'm too weak, I can't". I am not going to lie, it might be difficult on some days but do not stop. You are a better and healthier version of yourself everyday so don't let anything or anyone bring you down. You can and you will. And that is all that you have to believe. You are doing this for yourself and for a better future. To lose the calories, its not so much about getting thin but getting fit.

I think the most important thing is to push yourself and challenge your body but there is a difference between going the extra mile and overdoing it. You can start slow an build it up. Remember, its not a race because the only person you will be competing with is yourself. I believe in you and I hope you will achieve your goals. And, don't feel like you have to eat less at the Christmas table this Wednesday, you can eat as much as you want to and start your workout plans the next day. 2 more days left till Christmas everyone !!!!!!

Merry Christmas, xx

Twitter: @jessieashleyyy
Instagram: @fashion_jessie

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