Thursday 5 December 2013

C2C - Christmas Tree/Decorations Ideas + DIY Christmas Decor

Hi everybody!
I guess you can say that Christmas decorations are the clearest symbol that the festive season is approaching. Honestly, nothing cheers me up more than when I walk outside on a cold December's night and see Christmas lights on the streets and outside people's houses. I think Christmas decorations are absolutely beautiful in every way possible. There really is no "wrong" way to decorate for Christmas in my opinion.

I am one who decorates for Christmas quite early, I would say around about the last week of November. I wouldn't consider it to be that early but it does seem earlier than many other people.

So if you are planning on decorating your house/room for the festive season, I hope this blogpost can be helpful to you in any way.

Christmas Tree
Fake, real. whatever it is, a tree is a definite must when decorating for Christmas. Now for me, I would usually opt for real Christmas trees only because I am obsessed with the smell of real Christmas trees and for me, it just spells out Christmas. If you are like me and you live in the city and probably do not have a tree of your own growing, try places like Camden Garden Centre on Barker Drive, The Boma Garden Centre, Islip St, Kentish Town and Pines and Needles Westfield Car Park, Ariel Way, Shepard's Bush.

However, I am aware that maybe there are some of you who will find it difficult to get real Christmas trees or you like something that is a good, standard size and has a prefect geometrical shape to it and would probably get a fake one. I also find that fake Christmas trees are not nearly as messy and you will spend less time getting the hoover out.
If you are planning on getting a fake one, there is a vast variety of trees at places like John Lewis, Next and House of Fraser (which is where I got my little blue one)

What I did this year, is have a big traditional Christmas tree in the living room and a mini, modern style Christmas tree in the bedroom (which is blue with cute little ornaments). One tip that I do want to give is, if you do have or are planning on getting a small Christmas tree, do make sure that you have the right ornaments for it. You can definitely get smaller ornaments made for mini Christmas trees at the shops where the strings are slightly shorter and the actual ornaments itself are smaller as well. I think if you put really big ornaments on your very small tree, it might end up looking like your tree is being swallowed.

There really is no right or wrong way to decorate your Christmas tree. I say, just get the whole family around or maybe a few friends and just have fun with it. Feel free to go crazy on the lights because no Christmas tree is ever completed without lights!

Decorating For Christmas

Get a tree

Get some lights, drape them over some branches outside the house or on the curtain rod of your bedroom, around the tree, on your bed frame, wherever you lay them, they will look stunning and you will not regret it.

Wreath. Traditionally placed on the front door of the house, but you can get one to hang at the window of your bedroom as well and it will look very festive and pretty.

Candles. They make the room smell incredible and makes it feel very cosy and festive so go pick up some of your favourites and dot them about the house/bedroom but do be cautious and put them out when you are done.

Throw blankets and pillows. These add a nice festive touch to any furniture and it is perfect to decorate for Christmas in a very simple and easy way.

Little Christmas knick knacks. They are cute and easy to place around any empty table areas for display.

I think the best approach to take for Christmas decorating is to keep it nice and classic and traditional and then add a special and unexpected modern twist.

DIY Christmas Decorations

Bottle Cap Snowman Ornaments


  • bottle caps
  • acrylic pain
  • paint brushes
  • ribbom
  • hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • buttons
  • scissors
  • glitter Mod Podge
  1. Paint the inside of each bottle cap using white acrylic paint. To coat it completely, use several coats, letting it dry in between
  2. Glue three bottle caps to a piece of ribbon. You will also want to put a bit of glue in between each bottle cap to hold them together.
  3. Form a loop with the top of the ribbon and glue in place.
  4. Use the end of a paintbrush or a toothpick to paint eyes, a nose, mouth and buttons on your snowman. When dry, add some glitter Mod Podge.
  5. Tie a ribbon or yarn between the first and second bottle caps to make a scarf and accent with a button if you like.

Yarn Ball Wreath

  • 10" styrofoam wreath
  • 15 to 20 styrofoam balls  (various sized)
  • 3 balls of coloured yarn
  • burlap sheet
  • hot glue gun
  • shatterproof ornaments
  • ribbon bow
  • 12" piece of matching ribbon
  1. Wrap the burlap around the wreath and cut it to fit. Hot glue gun the fabric to the wreath.
  2. Start wrapping the yarn around the styrofoam balls and stop when the ball is completely covered.
  3. Cut the yarn then secure the end to the ball with hot glue. Repeat until all the balls are wrapped.
  4. Map out where the various sized balls will go and glue the yarn balls in place.
  5. Take your ornaments and stick them in anywhere you like.
  6. When everything is dry, flip the wreath over and hot glue both ends of the ribbon to the base to create a hanging loop
  7. When the loop is dry, flip the wreath back over and hot glue the ribbon to the top.

Recycled CD Mosaic Ornament

Sequin Balls 

Snow Globes

Sometimes, decorating for Christmas can be just as simple as smartly placing a few festive items about the place

I hope that this has helped you get in the festive spirit and that you got some nice inspiration and ideas to decorate your own home/room in whatever ways that you like. 
Feel free to comment below sharing your decorating ideas and I will talk to you all again tomorrow!

I also would like to share some amazing news with you guys which is, as of today, I have a new Instagram account!!!! Im really excited about it as you can probably tell. After my last Instagram account had issues, I had no intentions on making a new one but it was kind of a spontaneous thing, but anyways please do check it out. My new Instagram account is down below

Merry Christmas, xx

Twitter: @jessieashleyyy
Instagram: @fashionjessieee

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