Thursday 5 December 2013

C2C - Lazy Outfit: Christmas Edition

Hi everybody!
One of my favourite things about December is having a lazy day in bed, all snug with a cup of tea and a blanket. What makes it even better is that now, we get to do it whilst looking very festive so I am calling this one the "Christmas Edition"

Christmas jumpers

Christmas Leggings

Christmas Cardigan

Chrsitmas Socks


So guys do feel free to comment below sharing any of you Christmas lazy outfits and I will come back tomorrow for another Countdown2Christmas post. Anddddd there is only 19 days to Christmasssss !!!!!!

Please do check out my new Instagram account as well. (link down below)

Merry Christmas, xx

Twitter: @jessieashleyyy
Instagram: @fashionjessieee

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